Another muscle group that is almost constantly engaged are the legs (except when sitting or lying down). To develop strong and dynamic legs, there is no need to go to the gym, simply find a little room at home and train using your bodyweight. So, let’s get started…
Beginner (squats with a pause in the lower position)
Stand with your feet at shoulder-width, toes facing forward, in the starting position. Squat as low as possible with your feet flat on the ground. Do not lift your toes under any circumstances! Hold in the down position for 2 to 3 seconds and then slowly come back up. Once you reach the starting position, immediately begin back down and try not to rest. Keep your arms out as you move downward to help keep your balance. Inhale as you move down and exhale on the way back up.
If you want to make it more difficult, take 5 seconds to go down into the squat, hold it for 2-3 seconds and take another 5 seconds to go up into the starting position.
Intermediate (single-leg squat, leg back on TRX)
Adjust the TRX, so it’s in a position around 50 cm above the ground. Put one foot on the straps. Place the other foot flat on the floor with the toes facing forward. Both legs are straight, in the starting position. Put your arms out and do as deep a squat as possible with your foot remaining flat on the ground. Hold for 2-3 seconds in the lower position and then return to the starting position. Once you return to the starting position, don’t rest, instead get right into the next squat.
Advanced (single-leg squat, leg forward, holding onto the TRX)
Hold the TRX with both hands in front of your, with one leg stretched out in front of your body in the starting position. Hold your squat as deeply as possible. Ideally, the back of your thigh would touch your calf. Your foot must stay completely flat on the floor. Do not lift your toes under any circumstances. Hold for 1-2 seconds in the lower position and then slowly rise back up. Once you reach the starting position, immediately start back down. Move up and down in a controlled manner, do not swing or use your momentum. The TRX is only used to provide support if you begin to lose your balance. Do not pull against the TRX.
That’s the way I exercise my legs 🙂
Example 1
2 sets of 20 repetitions, beginner level
3 sets of 15 repetitions, intermediate level (for each leg)
2 sets of 10 repetitions, advanced level
Example 2
I like to combine squats with push-ups, where I do a pyramid of 20 squats and 20 push-ups and then always one less repetition in each set, i.e., 19, 18, 17, 16… down to 1 consecutively without stopping.
Example 3
I often combine beginner level activities with box jumps due to the dynamics this introduces.
Example 4
Given the fact that the cartilage in my knees is not as good as it was in my twenties, I’ve found my mountain bike to be the best for me, for my legs and my conditioning overall.