During 9th and 10th July 2019 already the 15 th annual of combat shooting for members of Armed forces of the Slovak Republic, Ministry of Interiour of the Slovak Republic and for invited guests took place in Lešť training centre.In total 41 couples took part in this competition. 11shooting situations were awaiting for 82 shooters from Slovakia and from abroad. These didn’t just test their shooting abilities but also tested their physical readines, team cooperation, ability to quickly evaluate and solve the shooting situations which the shooters didn’t known ahead.Just like other years what tested the abilities od the participants the most was the obstacle track among the shooters known as “Rambo track”. This year the organizers apart from the traditional obstacles as pushing an off road vehicle, 300kg wheel rolling, overcoming high barier, low barier, going through the ladder in height just using hands they added a rope ladder, which took away even more power.Men from Lynx Commando won this disciplíne. I liked the most how the shooting situations were constructed. They were very shifty and nicely designed but mainly they were balanced. The next year I would recommend organizers of the Slovak Police forces championship in shooting to come and have a look how should the shooting parkours look these days. Some situations were solved solo some together in pairs. Some situations were shot just with the short gun some just with the long gun and there were even situations where the shooter had to change them during the situation. Obviously maintaining the strict safety rules.
Great recognition goes to referees on each shooting situation, which Apart from regular decision making tried to cheer the shooters – mainly on the “Rambo track”.They did a piece of work during these two days.
And about the results themselves I think we didn’t get lost. Me and my older son represented Shooting Academy Alfa and the second Team was formed by MUDr. Andrej Vondrak and Mgr. Drimaj Peter. I am trully Happy that this year the victory stayed in Slovakia because last year Czechs were the stars and took both first places in pairs as well as in individuals competition.I talk about the men from Prostejov 601 group of Special forces.
At the end I would like to say thanks to the organizers for the perfect competition.It was great from technical as well as organizational site.
Thanks belongs to management of the training centre Lešť, to Instructors of the training centre Lešť who constructed the whole competition  but Also to referees, heplers on the shooting situations and to everyone who caused that we could shoot for two days at the best shooting galleried in Slovakia. Thanks that we could be a part of this shooting ” Fest” called Combat shooting. And we already look forward to the next annuall 2020.
Total pair results:
 1. Shooting Academy Alfa ( Nagy E. / Nagy E. jr)                2652,8 p.
2.RDA ( Šebík I. / Nemčok L. ) 2501,8 p.
3.Lynx Comando 1 2463,7 p.
4.5 th Regiment of Special Occupation Žilina 2436,4       p.
5. 601 group of Special forces Prostejov 2390,5 p.
6.Shooting Academy Alfa (Vondrák A.  Drimaj P. )            2185,8 p.
Total pair results Ministry of Interiour of the Slovak Republic :
  1. PPU Trnava
  2.  GR ZVJS
  3. Lynx Comando 2
Total pair results Armed forces of the Slovak Republic:
  1. 5th Regiment of Special Occupation Žilina
  2. miesto VP Prešov 1
  3. miesto VP Prešov 2
Total individual results:
  1. Ernest Nagy 809,2 p.
  2.  Ivan Šebík 772,8 p.
  3. Lynx Comando 1 761,4 p.