On 18.2.2018 the 5th hungarian league according to the IDPA (International Defensive Pistol Association) rules took place in Hungarian village called Gyal.Contests according to the IDPA rules belongs also to dynamic shooting however with some restreins.For example hiden gun and magazine, obligation to use cover what is also evaluated etc.We take part of theese type of contests just from time to time cause we mainly focus on contests with IPSC rules.In spite of that our club was represented in this contest by Mgr. Peter Drimaj and we have to say we didn’t make our south neighbours “happy”.In SSP Division he dealt the best with the eight shooting situations.He didn’t give a chance to his opponents and won far ahead of them so we honestly congratulate him to this result.
- Drimaj Peter 81,80
- Kiss Tamas 89,38
- Tatár Zsolt 96,74